Sunday, July 31, 2011

The July Giveaway Winner Is....

Greetings, dear Royal Sisters! We are very excited to share with you the winner of The Elegant Lady's Closet E-pattern from Sense and Sensibilities shop!

On Saturday, our giveaway ended and we are now excited to share the winner with you!

But before we do, we would like to give a big thanks to Mrs. Chancey for sponsoring this giveaway from her shop!
We would also like to say thank you to all who participated in this giveaway... each and every entry was taken in with joy. He hope that you enjoy our monthly giveaways here at Royal Daughters of the King!
And now, after a prayer and a winner was drawn and the winner is........

Congratulations! Please comment on this post with your email address {don't worry, it will not be posted!} and we will get your e-pattern to you as soon as possible! Please enjoy your prize!

For those of you who did not win our July giveaway, we hope that you will visit again in August, as we will be hosting out next giveaway then, on the 3rd. {Next month's sponsor is Scripture Designs, so you'll want to be sure and enter!}

We also would encourage you to check out our Monthly Program, as we just posted our August program!

May the Lord bless you all!
Bethany Ann & Johanna Rose

Friday, July 29, 2011

Inspiring Videos

Recently, we have felt lead to share these wonderful videos with you. Our hope is that you will take the time to watch them both and think on what has been shared. We know they will inspire and refresh you, as they did us, and we pray that you will take them to heart, and let the Lord start to work within you!
~Bethany Ann & Johanna Rose

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Royal Council :: Homemaker vs. Businesswoman

As I was browsing my inbox, one afternoon a few weeks ago, I noted with delight, that I had received and email from dear Bethany Ann. Upon opening it, I found that it contained a forwarded message which she had received concerning our blog.

     It was from a young woman who was seeking answers to some big questions :: Where exactly do we stand on being a Homemaker and a Help-meet, rather then a businesswoman. Why can't you lead others to the Lord and work at the same time? So many Christian woman are not homemakers, do we look down upon them? Why is it so important to persuade others to our point of view? 


     Well, after giving this some thought, we were inspired to make this our Royal Council question of the month. We pray that as you read the answers below, your convictions will be strengthened, and you will desire to be that home-maker, and help-meet that, we believe, your were designed to be.

Bethany Ann ::

     The topic of women staying at home and being homemakers instead of a business woman is hardly heard of anymore. Sadly, most women think that in order to "be someone important" and to have a "successful life" they must have a career and high-paying job so that they can buy anything they want and thus be happy. However from God's Biblical standpoint in order for women to truly be successful and someone important they need not go farther than there front door. I am not saying that women shouldn't minster and serve outside the home, however I am saying that joyfully serving inside the home, is what God has called each woman to do. He has created each one for that purpose.

     From the very beginning when God created Eve, we see in Genesis 2:18 that: The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” So women were created to be the males helper. So our "job" is to serve and love our husband, to be self-controlled and pure, and to be busy at home according to Titus 2:3-4: Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children.

     I have often been asked what I would like to do with my life and what I desire to be once I'm older. When I reply that I want to be a stay-at-home mom and a homemaker, people look at me like I'm crazy! They probably think that I am wasting my years away and they feel bad for me since I desire to take a role that they would not want to take themselves. The same thing goes with the "college question". People ask what things I would like to further study in college and when I tell them that instead of choosing to go to college, I desire to do online courses (if any at all) and use those years preparing for the years of marriage, motherhood and homemaking ahead. It makes since that people go to college to study and pursue things they need for their job. If you want to be a lawyer you study law. If you want to be a doctor then you study medicine. If you want to be a teacher you study how to teach children. So it's only common knowledge that since I desire to be a homemaker, wife and mother that I use those years to "pursue" and grow my knowledge of that subject for it is what I will use most. Since I desire to be a wife and mother I don't need a college degree for that role. However I do need to know how to cook and clean and take care of children so I must use my time "studying" this and growing my knowledge of it.

     "So why would you want to be at home all day and change a bunch of dirty diapers?" you may ask. Well despite what others may say, being a wife and mother is the most fulfilling and wonderful thing that a woman can do with her time. It not only teaches patience but also self-control, love, kindness, and it teaches to put others first in everything. It is humbling but rewarding. How do I know? I see it in my mother. She truly enjoys being at home with us children, and schooling us, and I can tell that she wouldn't want to be anywhere else than with us reading a good book or making a meal together. She has often told me that while you can hire a housekeeper to clean your home, she will not take care of it as you would. You can put your kids in day care and school but the teachers will not love them as you would because God had only given you that love for your own little ones.

     I have often thought of how it is the mother who truly transforms a house into a home. For what would our homes be without our mothers? They put so much care and attention to keeping it in good condition and this is what truly makes it a safe haven for us. I am so excited about the future and desire to allow the Lord to lead me in the way He chooses. For those of you who have also chosen this faith "against the flow" I want to encourage you to not give up! It can be discouraging when we seem to be the only one who is trying to follow the Lord's  instruction for life instead of the world's. But spend this time preparing!  Learn to cook, clean, sew, watch over children, care for others, make a house a home, grow a garden, take care of the sick, make things, etc so that you will be ready when that time comes when you will need them. 1 Corinthians 7:34 tells us that: An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. We need to use these years of youth preparing and growing closer to Christ because once we are married {if it is the Lord's will for us} then we won't have as much free time to study the Scriptures or hide verses in our hearts as we once did in the time of carefree daughterhood.

   In answer to the questions concerning homemaking that we received: Why can't you lead others to the Lord and work at the same time? While you can lead others to Christ through business work, our calling is in the home and we must put our family first. When women go off and have a job, there family is suffering. There is not longer someone to make the meals and thus they eat a frozen diner alone. There is no one to clean the house and keep everything in order so life gets hectic. So instead of trying to focus on serving outside the home let us focus on serving and leading our family to Christ inside the home.

So many Christian woman are not homemakers, do we look down upon them? Absolutely not. I purpose to never look down on anyone just because we don't have the same beliefs. God loves us all the same. While I am sad that these women do know the true joy of being in God's will and in the place they were designed for I try and be an example of what that true joy is like. We have all done things that are unworthy thus separating ourselves from God. In God's eyes each sin no matter it's "worldly value" {ex: murder is the worst sin but lying is not so bad and acceptable} it's all the same to God. Just one sin separates us from Him so I am as guilty as anyone else and thus should not compare myself with others.

May God bless you on this journey!
Love in Christ Jesus,
Bethany Ann

Johanna Rose ::

     This topic is one that I feel very strongly about, and yet, I find that I am often times in the minority. Often times, when I am around other young women, I find that their dreams and visions for the future are much, much different from mine.....
  • While their goal is to go across the country to a Christian collage, where they plan to get a degree, -- my goal is to do collage online, at home, and in addition, work on the skills that will be invaluable during my marriage, and will fit the purpose of making my house a home.
  • While their goal would be to get a job before marriage, -- my goal would be to help my father in any ways I can, so that I may perfect those skills which will be so perfect for the years of service to my Husband.
  • While they have a vision of being a successful businesswoman, and making a difference in this world, -- I have a vision of coming alongside my husband, and helping him in the ways he needs me most. {Proverbs 22:6}
  • And, while they have a vision of serving God wherever their work may be, -- I have a vision of serving God within my home -- the place He called me to be. 
Each of the above visions are stages in our life. They are stages which we all will face -- stages you will face. And that is why it is so important to have a clear vision of what your are going to be doing now. But, often times, I see that girls are confused as to the answers of these questions. So many times, it is hard to tell which way is best.

Luckily, there is one answer to that last question, which will always lead us in the way we should go :: Look unto the Scriptures, for God's purpose for our lives is always best. Let's look at each set of goals above individually, and see what the Word of God has to say....

I find that when I am with a group of friends, and the conversation topic is turned to "my future", one question tends to always come up "So where are you going to collage???" *sigh* I can not count how many times I have been asked this, and yet, my answer still remains unchanged. I believe that, while the extended education that young woman find at going to collage is by no means bad, I don't find it to be the most beneficial way to spend our time. There is so much that I must prepare for, and so much to be done before I am prepared to take on my one home, and become a wife and mother, why waste the most valuable years of my life on learning something that will never benefit my home?

One Sunday afternoon, when I was fellow-shipping with some dear friends of mine, a new-comer walked up, and started talking with us. Before long, we found that she was engaged to the young man she had arrived with, and was finishing up collage. That is when the question rose once again :: Where are you going to collage?? However, this time, the question wasn't directed towards me, but instead, a friend next to me. She explained her view on going to collage, and the question arose, "A lot of young woman are choosing to stay home, rather then go to collage, so that they may work on more important skills. But what are these skills???" This is where so many young woman fail to answer correctly. Often times, when we think of skills, we think of something materialistic, such as baking, sewing, cleaning, teaching, etc. And, although these are included in the list of skills that I hope to attain, they are by no means the most important skills. In 1 Corinthians 13, specifically verses 4-7, we see the list of 'skills' that are so very important to master before entering into marriage. Let us take these verses, and switch out every time it says the word 'Love' with your own name (fill in the blanks below with your name.) --

_____ suffers long and is kind; _____ does not envy;
_____ does not parade {herself}, _____ is not puffed up;
_____ does not behave rudely, does not seek {her} own,
_____ is not provoked, thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
_____ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

You see, those years before marriage are the years in which we need to master those virtues mentioned above. For, these are the most valuable skills which we could ever hope to attain, because once we have applied them to our lives, joy will follow. And where there is joy, there will be true, everlasting happiness also.

These years before marriage is not only a time when we can master the above virtues, but it also is a precious time when we can grow closer to the Lord. In 1 Corinthians 7:34 it talks of how a married woman is concerned for her husband. This is so true. As I watch my own sweet mother preform her duties around the home, I can see that her main priority is to please her husband, and make things more sweet and enjoyable for him. She is fulfilling her roll as a help-meet and a homemaker. But it is so important that we use these years before marriage wisely. This season in our lives is the season in which we have the opportunity to get the know the Lord deeply. It is a time when we can truly focus entirely on Him.

Not only is this a time to find a strong relationship with your Heavenly Father, but I also count it as a wonderful opportunity to help my father, so as I may become equipped in helping my future husband with his work. This season in life is perfect training for the life that lies ahead of us. It is a time when we can learn to have a truly kind, and selfless spirit. It is a time when we can experience giving up some of our own pleasures, so that we may give more of our energies to our father. This time is invaluable. A spirit of servitude doesn't develop over night. It takes time -- it takes practice. What better time then now? So many young woman are set on getting a job, and beginning to 'make their way in the world', but I believe it is more important to focus on what lies ahead -- what is your main goal. 

And this ties in with the root question :: Why is it my goal to become a help-meet, and a homemaker rather then a businesswoman? Why do I believe that this is so important?

Because I believe that it is part of God's plan. And I know that God's plan is always the best. There are multiple verses in the scriptures that talk about how woman were created to be the helper to man. The very first woman, Eve, was created for just such a purpose. In Genesis 2:18 we can see that the Lord created Eve to be a helper for Adam. In Titus 2:5 it calls woman to be homemakers. We can clearly see through these verses, and many others, that we were designed for such a task.

     But then, the question arises :: Why can't I help my husband and work out side of the home?? 

This is one of the biggest questions, and the decision made here will effect everything. Sadly, I see many young woman have answered the above question with these two words :: you can. Unfortunately, for their households, this is false. Not only would working outside the home contradict the calling of being a homemaker, but it also would make it impossible to come alongside your husband in his work. We were not created to be the providers of the home. We were created to be the makers the home, and the helpers of the providers. When we begin to take it upon ourselves to provide, we can no longer help our spouse. But maybe more importantly then the reasons given above, would be this one -- we can't possibly be working outside the home, and working within it at the same time. In Proverbs 22:6 the Lord commands us to "train up our child in the way they should go..." I believe that bringing up your children in the faith, training your sons to be leaders, and your daughters to be pillars of support, is a far more important calling, then becoming the businesswoman that you were never created to be. For, your can't possibly do both.

I would like to close with just a few more additional thoughts :: 

While I believe becoming a Help-meet and a Homemaker is one of the most beautiful occupations a woman could fulfill, I certainly do not look down upon those who choose to do otherwise. Each and every one of us will have our own convictions about being a wife, mother, and help-meet. And while I believe that the above views and not only my own, but our founded on biblical principles, I understand and respect others views on this topic. I just pray that the above words would have inspired you to become the woman that I believe the Lord designed you to be! He has such a special purpose for each one of us.... greater then any of us can comprehend! All we must do is let Him work.

With Joy in Christ,
~Johanna Rose

Mrs. Becky Ward {Bethany Ann's Mother} ::
The Importance of Godly Wives and Mothers ::

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
{Titus 2:3-5}
  • It is important to God, and a mandate for Christian women.
  • We do not want to blaspheme (to call a liar or discredit) God's Word.
  • Husbands need Godly wives to love them deeply, care for their needs, and respect/submit to them as the leaders of their families. They need a home life that is a refuge from the stress and concerns of their work place.
  • Children need mothers who love them unconditionally and who are at home to care for them, teach them about God and His Word, and answer questions. They need mothers who delight in spending time with them, reading, cooking, gardening, playing and simply enjoying life with them.
  • Mothers at home can be a "gate keeper" for their children's hearts. We can monitor any negative influences and provide biblical/positive learning experiences to mold our children's character.
  • As we serve our families at home with our time and energy we are investing in our family rather than other pursuits. Our home life and family life will become a beautiful picture to the world of what the Lord meant for it to be. The gospel will be attractive to unbelievers as they see our love for one another.
  • We can teach our daughters to become keepers at home as they prepare for their future families. They can learn daily by working with their mothers.
  • We can leave a Godly heritage to our children and future generations.
  • We can provide hospitality to encourage/help young mothers, elderly neighbors or friends in times of need because we are home and have the time.
  • Each day can be an adventure and opportunity for ministry as we serve our families and neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ.
God bless you as you serve Him!
Becky Ward

Do you have a suggestion for future Royal Council topics? We would be so blessed if you sent your suggestions by way of our Contact page! Thank you! We pray that you were blessed by this month's Royal Council, and are left refreshed and newly-inspired to live for Jesus.

Abundant Blessings,
Bethany Ann & Johanna Rose

Monday, July 25, 2011

Modesty :: A Matter of the Heart

Often times, I have wondered :: what exactly is true modesty?? What are my guidelines?? And what goes into having a truly modest appearance??

I find that true modesty is not found in a man made set of rules, regulations or guidelines, but springs forth in a heart living for Christ. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says~ “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.”

In the absence of biblical convictions, most people find them selves going the way of culture. This is true even in the realm of modesty. Most young woman these days think that beauty is found in the most revealing outfit, or the latest fashion—the way of culture. But the bible says that true beauty is found in a gentle, quiet, or in other words; a modest spirit.

Modesty is like a tree, rooted in purity, branching forth in many aspects of our lives. A few of these branches include the way we dress and the way we act.

Our Dress represents our heart. If we dress ourselves in immodest clothes, we are displaying an impure heart. But if we dress in modest apparel then we reveal a virtuous heart.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says~ “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body...

Honor God with your body! We need to glorify God in every thing we do, including the way we dress. Dressing modestly not only represents Christ, but :: you, your family, your parents and your Christian community.

The way we act also represents Christ. Once I was grocery shopping with my Mother. We were on the ice cream isle, picking out some family favorites. A little ways from us was a young girl yelling at her Grandmother in a very disrespectful voice, demanding that she get the ice cream she wanted. As I watched, I made an assumption right there, from her speech and clothes that she was not a Christian.
On another occasion, I and my sister were patiently waiting while my mom was getting her hair done. We were talking, and laughing, and having a pleasant little conversation. Soon, it was time to go. When at the desk to pay, the young woman working there complimented Mother saying “What well behaved children you have!”

What we learn from these two examples is that we are being watched and labeled, even though we may not know it. I labeled that young girl ‘Unchristian’ just by observing her conduct. The woman at the salon labeled my sister and I ‘Well behaved’ just by encountering our actions in a brief amount of time.

We need to set a Christ-like example for others by behaving and dressing in a modest and discreet fashion. Remember, we are royalty! We are the princess’ in Gods kingdom, and we are representing Him. We need to let him shine forth, take over our lives and transform us ::

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, 
are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, 
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
~ 2 Corinthians  3:18 ~

Friday, July 22, 2011

Zippered Pouch :: Craft Tutorial

{Taken From Skip To My Lou }

Sewing Level -- Easy

  • Your meterial pattern which can be downloaded HERE. Print with no scaling selected on your printer. 
  • Two of each piece in your pattern from your favorite fabric.
  • 1 - 7 inch zipper

1. Cut out the pattern peices. Trace and cut out fabric peices. Mark fabric from pattern where it should be ruffled. Bring one mark over to the next to make the ruffle. Pin down.

2. Place outer top piece face down on ruffles piece, line up edges and stitch across 1/4 inch from the edge. Open up and press. Repeat with other two pieces to make the other side.

3. Make a zipper sandwich. Place 1 piece of outer fabric face up, then the zipper and then the lining right side facing down. Line up the three edges.

4. With a zipper foot sew across the top between the edge of your zipper sandwich and the zipper teeth (closer to the zipper feet).

5. Bring lining and outer fabric to the same side.

6. Make another zipper sandwich on the other side of the zipper.

7. Open up and it will look like this. You can top stitch at the edge of the fabric along the zipper now, if you like).

8. Bring both pieces of lining to one side and both pieces of the outer fabric to the other side. Un-zip zipper at least halfway so you can turn it right-side-out once it is stitched. If you forget to un-zip the zipper you won't be able to turn your pouch right side out.

Pinch zipper towards outer fabric, making sure it is laying nicely as you pin.

Using 1/4 inch seam stitch all the way around the pouch leaving a two inch opening in the bottom of the lining for turning.

9. Turn right side out. Hand stitch (or machine stitch) opening in lining closed.

10. Push lining inside the pouch and it is finished!

I hope you enjoy making these adorible pouches for yourself or for your friends! {You can view the original post HERE.}
Happy sewing!
~Bethany Ann~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Book Reviews

Pearl Maiden
A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem
by H. Rider Haggard {Review by Johanna Rose}

This book is truly a wonderful treat! It is about Miriam, a young orphan who's parents died as Christian Martyrs, for such was the cruel treatment of Christians in Rome A.D. 70. Miriam grows up with Nou, her late Mothers former servant. Nou is faithful, and loves Miriam more then anything else. But on Rebecka's (Miriam's Mother) death bed, she bids that Nou brings Miriam up in the Christian faith. So Nou takes charge of the Child, and brings her up in the peaceful village of the Essen's. Here Miriam grows up with her constant playmate, Caleb. But when 19, Miriam can no longer stay with the Essen's. So, she must move to Jerusalem and live with her Grandfather, Benoni, who is a stubborn Jew. She soon learns to love him, as he does her. But in a few years of her stay, the destruction of Jerusalem takes place, as it was prophesied in the Bible.

The story takes off, and through many tribulations does Miriam go through, but she is constant on relying on Christ, and is set on not being Unequally Yoked in marriage with a non-believer.

Will Miriam survive this Terrible years in Jerusalem? Will her True love, who has captured her heart Find Christ?

This was SO good!!!! It is another favorite on my shelf!! If you like good historical fiction, as well as adventure, and a bit of clean Romance this would be a great choice! As I love all three, I absolutely LOVED this book!!!

Glaucia, the Greek Slave
A Tale of Athens in the first Century
by Emma Leslie {Review by Johanna Rose}

My Goodness, was this a good read!!! Glaucia, the Greek Slave took off at once, and took you through a wonderful adventure through Athens, Greece. The tail starts off, and Glaucia and her Brother, Laon, are in the slave Market, about to be sold to pay off the late-Father's debts. Just before they part, Laon give Glaucia a scroll from their Mother, who had disappeared a decade ago. But Laon explains that contrary to their past belief, that she was still alive! And that He was going to find her some day. But they don't have much time to talk. Glaucia gets sold, and taken to Valeria, her new Mistress, to be her new waiting-maid. Glaucia departs from the slave market, not knowing if she will ever see her beloved brother, Laon, again. Glaucia soon travels to Athens, which is her actual hometown, and while there is introduced to the Christian faith. Glaucia ponders the 'new' religion, and wonders which god is the True God, and soon seeks Truth.

Meanwhile, Laon escapes after being beaten almost to death. His one and only wish is to free his sister, Glaucia. By asking around, he finds that Glaucia had moved to Athens, and soon travels there in search of her. But while in Rome, Laon meets Paul, and is also introduced the the Christian faith.

The tail takes off, and many trials are ahead of Glaucia and Laon. Will Glaucia be freed? Will Glaucia and her Brother both ask Jesus into their hearts, and become followers of Christ? Will they find their Mother?

Find out in this five-star book :: Glaucia, the Greek Slave.

Joyfully at Home
A Book for Young Ladies on Vision and Hope
by Jasmine Baucham {Review by Bethany Ann}

{Taken from the back cover} In Joyfully at Home, Jasmine writes with verve, passion, and transparency about her own struggles and triumphs as a young woman, even as she encourages other girls on this journey to grasp the bigger picture-to embrace a vision for the home as a hub of ministry and discipleship, as training ground for life ahead, and as a place where they can bless their families. With humor, humility, and heart, Jasmine tackles the tough questions and "what ifs" girls face, offering practical counsel on how to overcome a false view of marriage, husbands, and singleness. Jasmine paints a beautiful picture of how young ladies can become good daughters to their fathers and mothers, good sisters to their siblings, and gain vibrant confidence, godly contentment, and purposeful joy in their ministry in the home.

Dear sisters, this paragraph explains it all! Jasmine Baucham by age 14 had decided that she wanted to "be somebody" by the world's rating. She wanted to not only be someone but to be someone big! She had visions of winning the Pulitzer Prize or an Oscar and appearing on Oprah. Since she had these "big" dreams her desire to be a wife and mother were squashed and she instead dreamt of the "better job". But when her world was radically changed by the Scriptures, and she realized that her calling was to be a godly wife and mother was a "big job" and it did make her someone-just not in the way she had planned. her world was turned and in this book she shares how that happened. In this book she shares why she believes this calling to be the best and why we should eagerly prepare for it.

When I received this wonderful book for Christmas last year I was overjoyed and eagerly started to read it. Joyfully at Home was such a good book! Jasmine took the hard questions that young girls face and she answered them with confidence, passing that confidence down to the readers, encouraging them to not give up and to run this race with vigor and excitement! She shares many of her own stories, which were fun to read and she gave much encouragement which defiantly uplifted me and made me more eager to be the daughter, sister and homemaker-in-training that I should be! I am sure that any stay at home daughter, looking for encouragement will be uplifted and inspired by this wonderfully written book! If you have not already read this wonderful book then you should! It will challenge you, inspire you, give you courage, and spur you on! It is defiantly a much-read!

This book can be purchased at Vision Forum HERE.

All Glorious Within
Journeying as the King's Daughter
by Tiffany M. Schlichter {Review by Bethany Ann}

{Taken from the back cover} Psalm 45:13 reveals that 'the King's daughter is all glorious within.' But even a princess needs guidance on her way to biblical womanhood! Homeschooled author and Virtuous Daughters magazine founder Tiffany Schlichter shares personal stories and practical suggestions about staying 'at' home, modesty, keeping a pure heart, and more. A "daughter discussion" appendix features a Q-and-A session of common questions girls ask such as "what if I never get married?," "How do I rise above a dread of death?," "How do I get along with my brothers and sisters?" and more. Includes FAQs and suggestions for further reading. 257 pages, softcover.
What a encouraging, uplifting, inspiring, book this has been to me! I have just finished reading it for the second time in one year and I can say that it is one of my favorite books! Tiffany, editor of Virtuous Daughters Magazine writes with humor, honesty and love as she encourages girls on subjects including modesty, having good friends, saving our hearts, being a girl, being a daughter at home and more! One thing I really liked about this book is how it has several appendixes including a daughterhood discussion (questions and answers on daughterhood related topics), as well as recommended resources which have been very helpful!
Chapters include:
  1. Living with Myself
  2. Yielding my Rights
  3. Follow my Heart?
  4. What to Wear
  5. Just One Good Friend
  6. A Full Night's Sleep
  7. Saving my Heart
  8. Pressure is On!
  9. Being A Girl
  10. Running this Race
  11. Daughter at Home
  12. Am I Ready?
If you haven't already then I HIGHLY recommend you to read this wonderful book! It will inspire you and uplift you as you journey on this path! It can be purchased on Christian Book Distributors HERE or you can order if through Tiffany personally for $15 each plus $3 shipping and handling. Mail payment to this address:
P.O. Box 98 ~ Willis, TX 77378

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sew What? I'll Still Trust You!

Ashley & Bethany Sewing
 {Written by Bethany Ann}
I have recently begun sewing. I love to go to my Gram's house each Thursday morning with my sister and sew with her 43 year old bright green machine. I love the feeling you get when you are able to make something with your hands. I love to choose designs, fabric and to cut out the pieces and pin them together. Once I start to sew them together I feel excitement that goes through me almost as fast as the machines hum.

Our first sewing project was some matching skirts for Ashley and myself. I had always wanted to make some skirts and now I was able to do so with my Gram's help.  As I sat at the machine slowly pulling the fabric as it was being sewed by the pushing of my foot to the pedal I was overjoyed that I was able to make these skirts. After a while of sewing I began to think of how my sewing with a machine was almost like our relationship with Jesus Christ. God is the Great Designer. He loves to create things and had many creations but none are so well-made and prized than His creation of us humans. He crafted each of us with great care and gently chose the way we would look.  He crafted us in our mother's womb and He takes pride in each of His creations -- us! {Psalm 139:14}

He planed each event of our lives far before we are ever born...but sometimes these events are unpleasant ones. Sometimes God chooses to bring us through trials to strengthen us and renew our faith in Him. Sometimes while we are going through these trials we don't realize why God is taking us along this path. "Why are you doing this Lord?" you might cry "Why would you do this to'll only break my heart!" you may say. When tough times come such as when a loved one dies or when you might have to move or when your dad losses his job or when a friend rejects you. But we must realize that our Great Designer knows the future and this is all a part of God's plan for you life. He is working bit by bit to perfect you into a person that is less and less like your sinful nature and more and more like Jesus Christ. {John 3:30}

Dear sister, are you going through one life's trials? I would like to encourage you to not give up. God can see all the pieces of the puzzle and we can only see a few. No matter what you are going through, it is part of God's plan to bring you to the Creation that God desires for you to be. Just like a seamstress cuts the fabric and sews it together. At times the pieces of fabric look like they could never form something usable or pretty, but once there is faith an amazing thing happens and something beautiful is made. I would like to encourage you to not give up and to continue to grow in your faith and strengthen it! James 1:2-4 tells us: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Even though you might be having it hard, use this time to grow closer to Christ! I have realized that often times when I go through a trial I end up with much more faith in the Lord than I would have if I didn't have to put my faith into action and truly believe even though I cannot see.

It has been said that "True faith is not believing in God when everything goes our way. It is when we go through trials that our faith has the opportunity to make itself real." I agree! Dear sister, keep trusting in the Lord and do not give up! "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." {Galatians 6:9} Don't give up because one of these days you will see how God's plan was brought forth and how all those ugly pieces fit together to make a beautiful treasure!

In Christ's Love,
Bethany Ann

Friday, July 15, 2011

Delicious Breads :: Recipes

Light Wheat Rolls

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 9-10 cups white flour
  • 3 pkgs. rapid rise dry yeast
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup butter 
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Poppy or Sesame seeds, if desired

Take 5 eggs (don't crack them open yet!) and cover in hot water to warm them to room temperature. Set aside.
Heat milk, water and butter until very warm~ butter does not need to melt. Stir together in a large mixing bowl sugar, wheat flour, 2 cups of the white flour and yeast. Drain water from the eggs that you are warming. Add eggs and heated mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well for about 3 minutes. If your mixer has a dough hook, switch to this attachment now, or begin stirring in the additional flour by hand as your mixer begins having trouble working the flour into the dough. 
Continue to add four, kneading either in the bowl itself or on a lightly floured surface, until smooth and elastic, (about 10 minutes). The dough should not be sticky. Shape into rolls, and place in a greased baking pan. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and put in a warm place to rise until doubled in size (about 30-45 minutes). 
Apply beaten egg over the surface of each roll with a pastry brush. Sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds, if desired. Bake at 350{degrees} for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown. 
Cool on a wire rack, or serve immediately. 

Makes about 3 dozen large rolls. 
Freezes well.

Missouri Morning Cinnamon Rolls

Mix Together ::
  • 3-4 Tbsp. cinnamon
  • 2-3 cups sugar
  • 1 cup butter, softened

Mix Together, until smooth (for icing) ::
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 2-3 Tbsp. water
Prepare the Light Wheat Roll Recipe (just above) to the shaping point. Divide the dough into two equal parts. Roll out one part on a lightly floured surface into an 18"x13" rectangle. Spread generously with half of butter. Sprinkle with half of the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Starting at short end, roll up tightly (but without "stretching the dough too thin") into a log. Using a dough scraper or a large knife, cut into 1-1/2" (one and a half inch) slices and place spiral side up in a greased baking dish. To allow for rising, mke sure there is about 1/2" between each roll so that they won't be too crowded. Repeat with other half of dough. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for about 30-45 minutes, or until doubled. Bake in 350{degrees) oven for 25-28 minutes or until golden brown. Drizzle warm rolls with powdered sugar icing.
Makes about 2 Dozen Rolls.

Grandmas Hot Rolls

  • 2 pkgs. yeast
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 4 Tbsp. sugar
  • 6 Tbsp. melted margarine OR butter
  • 6 cups flour
Empty yeast into a large mixing bowl. Add sugar and 1 cup water. Let stand for 10 minutes. Then add to the yeast mixture the rest of the water, salt, sugar, margarine, and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Turn out on a floured board and knead for about 3 minutes. Place in a well-greased bowl. Turn greased side up. Cover and let rise until double in size (1 and 1/2 hours). Place dough on a floured board. Pinch off pieces of dough about the size of a walnut and shape into smooth balls, placing them about 1-inch apart on greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise until doubled (about and hour). Bake in a 425 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until light golden brown.
Makes about 20 rolls.

Best Friend Bread

  • 1 pkg. active dry yeast
  • 1-1/4 c. warm water
  • 1/4 c. sugar
  • 1/4 c. oil
  • 1 t. salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 4-1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 c. butter, melted
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix sugar, oil, salt and eggs together; stir in yeast mixture. Add flour and knead until smooth. Cover and let rise until double in size. Punch down and turn out onto floured surface. Divide dough into 3 equal pieces. Roll each piece with your hands until you have 3 ropes about 12 inches long. Pinch one end of each of the 3 pieces of dough together and braid dough. Pinch the other ends together to seal, then tuck under. Place on a greased 13"x9" pan and let rise until double again. Brush butter over the top and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monthly Interview :: Miss Rebekah Wall

Rebekah Wall is the editor of the magazine For Such A Time As This and the author of her fiction book A Nation Apart. We am very excited that she was able to answer some of our questions and we pray that you would be encouraged by her interview! 
Bethany Ann & Johanna Rose 

{The Wall Family at Prince Edward Island on Vacation}

{Miss Rebekah Wall}
 ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

REBEKAH: Hello sisters in Christ! My name is Rebekah Wall, but I go by Bekah most of the time. I am 18, a home-schooled graduate, Assistant Librarian, and hopefully college student a year from now. I am also the founder of For Such A Time As This Press and editor of For Such A Time As This Magazine, so probably many of you know about me through that. :) I live on the prairies in Southern Saskatchewan and my country is Canada, both of which I am loyal to. :)
I still live at home, with my parents, Peter & Gloria. Dad is in the cement pouring business and Mom is a keeper at home, although she is getting a few gardening/yard work jobs now. Sadly, I have no siblings... and no pets either. :(
Some things I love... writing (well I a passionate about this one).... reading (obsessed with this one).... photography (mostly scenery and such)... music... Anne of Green Gables... pansies.... Prince Edward Island... Christian historical romance novels... family-centered movies... teacups and pots... the color purple... journaling... libraries... dogs... Amy Carmichael... card making... magazines... letters... friends... Janette Oke... accessories... and many other things!!!

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: How did your ministry, "For Such A Time As This Press", begin?

REBEKAH: Well it first began in the fall of 2008 with a small magazine. My Mom actually came up with the name and it is based on Esther 4:14c. Esther is my Biblical role model and heroine, I guess you could say, and I greatly admire and wish to be like her. So it just seemed perfect to name my magazine after a verse found in that book of the Bible!! The magazine grew quickly, and then in August of 2010, God lead me to expand the ministry to the online world, and include other things. That was a big step for me, since I knew virtually nothing about computer things, aside from basic typing, but with the help of some good friends and just doing things by "trial and error", For Such A Time As This Press was born! It never ceases to amaze and awe me how God uses my ministry and is allowing it to grow! Never in my life would I have imagined it would get this big, include so many things, and reach so many people around the world. Just hearing how many lives it touches is a blessing to me, albeit a bit overwhelming at times too. :) I would love for you to stop by and check it out at The site is already large, and, Lord willing, in the next year will be growing a lot more.

ROYAL DAUGHTERSOF THE KING: We understand that you just finished publising your book, "A Nation Apart". Could you tell us a bit about it and what was your inspiration for writing it?

REBEKAH: Yes, in December of 2010, my first novel was published. That was a big step for me, as I self-published, and it was a huge learning curve! Here is what it says on the back cover:

One was white... One was black... They were like a nation apart...
Rebekah Stevens was your average, 16 yr. old white girl, growing up in the mid-1800s. The Civil War was just about to begin. Slavery had always been a part of her life. To Rebekah, it was just the way things were. But in the back of her mind, there was a question...
Nathaniel was your average, 16 yr. old black boy, growing up on a plantation in Southern USA. Slavery had always been a part of his life, because he was a slave. To Nathaniel, it was just the way things were. But in the back of his mind, there was a question...
Together, they would discover the answer to that question. A question that turned into a dream, and a dream that turned into an adventure of a lifetime. An adventure that taught them that what was really important in life wasn't "things".

Join them on their journey of faith, to a place where no one was...  A Nation Apart

The message I was trying to get across was that we are all equal ~ that the color of people's skin isn't the color of their heart. That in God's eyes, we are all the same. Another strong message in my novel is doing what's right, regardless of what it may cost you! The last strong message is being a true friend. All three of these messages are very important to me, not to mention close to my heart, so it just seemed natural that I write about them

There is an old saying that goes, "A good writer writes about what they know!" So as far as why I chose that time era, it's because I know a lot about it, due to having studied it a lot. :)

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: When did you accept Jesus as your personal Savior?

REBEKAH: When I was 12 years old... but it's the day to day life that is drawing me closer to Him! My salvation wasn't radical and there isn't much to tell about it, but I could share story after story of what He has taught me since!

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Do you have a life verse?

REBEKAH: No, actually I don't have a life verse. Every week new verses are special to me. Whatever God shows me that day is my life verse, because each day, life brings new things at you, and I am learning to live life one day at a time. Favorite books of the Bible are Esther, Psalms, and Paul's letters.

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: What are some guidelines for selecting literature?

REBEKAH: A lot of what I read, my friends would probably never read. But there still is a basic rule I try to follow when choosing books to read ~ "Is it lovely?" In Philippians 4:8 we are given a list of what to think about, and what we read affects what we think about. If the book is going to cause you to be discontent or be sad, perhaps you shouldn't be reading it. Reading things that lift you up, teach you valuable skills, or challenge you to a higher spiritual level are good things to read, but I am not at all against reading fiction books. Oh and just so you know, I do not read trashy books ~ I'm sure some of you read that I love "romance novels" and thought "dirty covers and words" type... no way!!! :)

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Why do you find it important to always "delight yourself in the Lord" according to Psalm 37:4?

REBEKAH: This has been a real struggle for me, to read the Word each day. But as I am going through trials, I realize how important it is to hear from my Savior. It's those verses that keep me going. Also, God always shows you exactly what you need to hear, precisely at the moment you need to hear it! :)

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: What is one of your favorite ways to study God's Word?

REBEKAH: I find that doing a lot of meditating while reading is a good way to remember what you've read. Instead of trying to read through a certain amount each day, just to read it, I read until God speaks to me personally. So sometimes I read a few verses and sometimes I read a few chapters.

ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Is there a special message you would like to share in closing?

REBEKAH: I would like to challenge all of you young ladies to not be afraid to be different! Don't pay any mind to what others think of you ~ just be concerned with what the Lord thinks about you!! So often we get distracted by trying to please others, or make others think well of us, or gain acceptance from whoever it is we want acceptance from...we should be living solely to please the Lord!! I'd love to hear from you at !!!