Thursday, June 28, 2012

We Are Made Worthy

As the month of June slipped by into the vast sea of my past, I thought of what I would write for our readers today. Each and every day, I spent a portion of time thinking on what would be most inspiring to share with others, yet felt completely uninspired myself as to what. I seemed unable to frame a life lesson, while at the same time, I knew that I was learning a myriad each and everyday. 

When I look back at the time I have spent in ministering here on this site, I realize something. I can see through each and every facet of my ministering to others that I have eagerly focused on the topics which I succeed at. It is so easy to minister to someone in an area that you are nearly perfect at yourself. But, what about when others need strengthening in areas that I myself need to perfect. What then? I find that my tendancy is to either hide in a dark corner, and pretend I am not there, or turn the subject to something I am comfortable with.

You see, I felt unworthy. How could I possibly hold someone accountable to Bible memorization, when I myself was so weak in this area? Why should I try to minister to others on the issue of sibling relationships, when I stumble often in this very facet of life? Do I have the right to encourage others to spend time in the word daily, when I more than occasionally miss my devotions? How can I encourage those who are suffering a loss, when I myself have never been tested so deeply? Should I be telling others how to live as a godly woman should, when I myself fail so many times to uphold these standards? For so long, these questions prevailed in stopping me from sharing the truth. I can see now that it was a tactic used by the devil. A deadly one.

Our failing is never an excuse to stop sharing the truth. Never let your falls stop you from standing up, and helping others to stand with you. Jesus has called all of us to spread the gospel. He knows no one is perfect; and yet, His voice is always calling us to follow him. Paul persecuted Christians before he began his ministry. Mathew was a greedy tax-collector. Peter doubted Jesus at first, and denied Him three times. Yet, their mistakes didn't stop them from becoming some of the greatest apostles of all.

Don't ever let the evil one tell you that you are unworthy. Because, if you are a daughter of or son of the King, than HE has made you worthy! 2 Corinthians 2:3 tells us the the Lord has made us worthy to follow Him. Where we are broken, He has healed us. Where we stumbled, He has picked us up. Always share the truth, and He will strengthen you where you are weak.



  1. This was such a wonderful article, Miss Johanna! I have just been thinking about how I can better speak of the LORD to others, and here I have seen two posts in the past couple of days on encouraging others! Thanks again!

    May the LORD bless you and this ministry!
    Much love,
    Martha Joy

  2. I feel the same way- I am a failure in this or that- How can I possibly share the Gospel? It is a tactic from the evil one. And God is Stronger!


Your thoughts and encouragement are such a treasure to us! Each and every comment is received with thankfulness, for we are daily encouraged and strengthened by reading your gracious words....
When writing, please be sure to remember that you're ultimate goal in everything should be to glorify God. Our hope is that you will try to reflect Him in all that you write....

Rejoicing in Jesus,
~ Bethany Ann & Johanna Rose