Monday, January 23, 2012

True Beauty + Giveaway Winner

{Written By Miss Bethany}

I looked in the mirror and gazed into the face looking back at me. Our church was having a special event that evening and I decided to put a little make-up on to look my best. I normally don't wear much make-up-if any at all-and I hardly wear it except for "special events" such as church, special outings and other things like this. As I looked into the mirror I got to thinking about what true beauty is, and how often this world mixes inner beauty with outer beauty. And how they can get them out of order of importantance, often overlooking the most important kind of beauty that is found within. As I left for church that evening I decided that though the make-up I was wearing might make me prettier, I wanted to have my main focus on being truly beautiful with the inner beauty found in a heart fully devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ.
   True beauty cannot be found in a bottle. It cannot be purchased. It cannot be found in a curling iron, or in a bottle of nail polish. It does not come in the forms of high fashion, expensive clothing and doesn't have anything to do with precious jewels. Hair accessories and jewelry aren't in the "beautiful" category to God. A slim figure is not one of beauty. True beauty is rather found in a body fully devoted to the Lord in body and spirit {1 Corinthians 7:34}-rather than one adorned to the highest level. It's substance is not of long hair or a pretty face or ears dangling with jewels. Truly beautiful hair is that of which the owner is not afraid of little children hands running through, for they value the children high above that of their hairs neatness. {Matthew 19:14} A truly beautiful face is not one that have been pampered or primed for hours, not one with lots of make-up but one that radiantly shines God's light and love which over-pours from her heart into everyone she comes in contact with. Lips that are truly beautiful aren't those that have lipstick on, but those who smile freely and often due to her joy found only in Jesus Christ. Truly beautiful eyes are not those adorned with mascara and eye shadow, but those that have the look of Jesus' love, a glimmer of hope for those in need. Truly beautiful ears aren't those with long earrings, but those that eagerly listen the the Word of God and those that are attentive to the Lord's laws. Truly beautiful hands, are not that of which have perfectly pained nails, rather, the prettiest of hands are those puffed from lots of dish washing's, those that aren't afraid to get her hands dirty, to feed the hungry, to do God's work whatever it may be. Those that early stretch out to a little child and eagerly dry their tears. To pick them up when they fall, and read them a story when asked. A truly beautiful body is not one of a slim figure, but one that is eager to work for the Lord, to serve others, to value others as more important than herself. {Philippians 2:3-4} Truly beautiful feet aren't those that have nice shoes but those that aren't afraid to go our and proclaim the Gospel. {Isaiah 52:7} Girls, often this world mixes these things and puts them out of place, valuing our self beauty as more important than the true, unfading beauty that is only found in the heart of hearts. 

    Today, we need girls who are truly beautiful to God-according to HIS Word and HIS standards. {1 Peter 3:3-5} We need to be more concerned about our reflection being truly beautiful in God's mirror than that of the Worlds! I am striving to look deep into the Lord's Word to see what makes me beautiful to Him...we need to reject the worlds "beauty" and look wholly and completely to the Lord for guidance. Are you with me? For youthful beauty will fade as the years go on, but the true beauty is unfading, unending and eternal! Dear sister, if you were to look at yourself through God's mirror {The Bible} then would you truly be beautiful? Are you focusing more on the inner beauty of Christianity than that of the outer self? Are we trying with all our heart, mind soul and strength to be beautiful to God instead of the world? {Mark 12:30} There is a choice to make-either way we will strive to please someone by our looks-whether it be a man or the Lord-so let's strive to be beautiful to the Lord-the only one who will never leave us or forsake us. God bless you! ~Bethany Ann

{All photos were found on}

Postscript :: Due to business in our lives, Johanna and I have decided to end the giveaway early. Our winner is b3 beader. b3 beader, if you could please visit Petal Jewelry, and select one pair of earrings, and then contact us with your selection along with your name and address. Thank you!

2 Words of Grace:

Anonymous said...

A beautifully written and convicting post. Thank you so much for writing from your heart, Bethany, and being an encouragement to young ladies!

Emily said...

Very encouraging after having my face swell from getting wisdom teeth removed :)