Over the years, Miss Sarah L. Bryant has been such an encouragement, we have both been extremely blessed by her magazine The King's Blooming Rose Magazine and by her book The Family Daughter! Sarah is such a sweet, encouraging lady and we am very blessed to know her! We hope that this interview would encourage you! Thank you, Sarah for allowing us to interview you! :)
Bethany Ann & Johanna Rose
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{The Bryant Family} |
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you come to Christ?
SARAH: Greetings to you, my dear sister in Christ Jesus! My name is Sarah Bryant, and I live with my family in rural Kansas . I graduated from homeschool in 2009, and have been blessed by the Lord to be able to serve Him from my home, learning new skills and enjoying life with my family. I desire to be diligent, fulfilled, and content as a daughter at home, while serving others in this season. My family and I publish a quarterly magazine for girls, The King's Blooming Rose (see KBR Ministries' website at HERE).
I am tremendously blessed to have been raised from a young age in a Christian home, where the Word of God is taught. I can remember when I was 7 or 8, having a great fear of transgressing against the commands (Law) of God, and every night reviewing my actions of that day and realizing I had broken at least one of the Ten Commandments. This gave me fear as I would ask for God's forgiveness, and it was during this time I came to peace through the blood of Christ Jesus for my sins. Throughout the years my Savior has taught me much and grown me through His Word. I am so thankful for the gifts of sanctification and the Holy Spirit—which He bestows upon all His joint-heirs: "We are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together” (Romans 8:17).
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Why did you start The Kings Blooming Rose Ministry?
SARAH: When I was newly thirteen, the Lord laid on my heart the desire to encourage other young girls in their walk with the Lord Jesus—not to feel alone in their convictions even though like-minded fellowship might be few and far between. The King's Blooming Rose magazine was born that year, and by God's grace has grown throughout the past 6 years. I am so grateful for all that the Lord has taught me and blessed me with through its publication. This ministry expanded last year when I wrote and published a book entitled The Family Daughter (Click here for details).
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: What are some ways to make devotions life-changing?
SARAH: From personal lessons learned throughout my journey of daily devotions, I have found that the most life-changing aspect of my quiet time is prayer. Prayer is a vital, yet overlooked, aspect of the Christian life—it is the life-line between us and our Master. How can we know His will for our movements and words throughout the day if we do not quiet our hearts to hear His Word to us? I have made it a personal goal to “be still” and pray each morning during my personal devotions for a certain amount of time. To be honest, my flesh resists this quietude and “those vain things” of the world are persistent to distract me during this time. But when I make an extra effort to say “no” to these obstacles and go to God humbly asking for personal growth, for filling of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7), for His continued sanctifying work in my heart (1 Thessalonians 4:4), for more love for Jesus Christ (John 17:26)—oh, how worthwhile that time is!
Also, one thing that has been life-changing in my spiritual life lately is making sure I do not sit down for my quiet time with a hurried mindset. My heart is much more teachable when I go to the Lord with eagerness to learn and commitment to give Him the best hours of my day (for me, first thing in the morning). I want to challenge you to spend at least 15 minutes in God's Word/praying each morning of this next week (for 7 straight days). See what a difference it makes in your walk with God and how it gives you a deeper yearning for more of His Word. As a result of a commitment to seeking His Word daily, my life has seen much change as God continues His faithful work in my life. Will you claim the promises in Hebrews 11:6: “Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”?
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: How do you memorize Scripture? Do you have any tips to share on hiding God’s Word in our hearts?
SARAH: This year, one of my new year's goals was to memorize several verses each month. As I have reached toward this goal, God has blessed me through the Words of Life that I meditate on and hide in my heart. The most efficient way that I have personally benefited from is reading the entire memory assignment (chapter or several verses) aloud, and then repeating each individual verse over (or writing it down on paper) until I can remember the pattern or word order without reading it. My sister and I often memorize together, and at times we do it with friends. It's very helpful to have someone to do it with and to check up on you to see how your progress is going, so I encourage you to find an accountability partner to memorize with! Some beautiful passages to memorize are Philippians 4, Psalm 1 and 63, 1 Peter 2 and 3, and Proverbs 31. I want to encourage you young ladies to memorize God's Word; God can use it in your heart in incredible ways if you have done your part in hiding His truth in your heart—“I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word” (Psalm 119:16). It won't happen in your life without effort and time, but remember that not one minute you invest in God's Word will be wasted.
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: How do you encourage your siblings in the Lord on a daily basis?
SARAH: I have so much to learn in this area and am so humbled as I realize my responsibility in encouraging my siblings to grow in the love of Christ. Yet, I would love to encourage you to include your brothers and sisters to seek God's Word on a daily basis, to memorize verses with you, or to pray together. If I have gleaned something special in my devotions I like to share it with my siblings during the day, and I also write down a special verse every morning for some of my siblings and leave it in their Bible. I have seen how important these years we have together are, and want to share things God has mercifully been teaching me with my siblings, as this might encourage them to grow in Him. This has life-long benefits! The Lord prompted me to challenge my siblings to read the Bible every single day this year, offering a prize if they complete the goal! They have been very faithful in the challenge, and I can't wait to see how God uses their diligence to bless them spiritually. This summer, my brothers and my sister are taking a summer challenge together to read the Bible 15 minutes a day and are enjoying it—it's such an incredible blessing to be united not only in flesh and blood, but also in a common Goal (seeking God) as Children of a heavenly King!
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Since summer is right around the corner, some girls have a hard time knowing what kinds of clothing to wear. Do you have any tips on this?
SARAH: This is a wonderful question (we have hot and humid summers here in Kansas, so I can relate). I would encourage you to be a young lady of principle. Do not waver on your (your parents') standards of modesty no matter how hot it is or what activities you are engaged in! If your parents prefer you to wear a 2-layer blouse or a certain length skirt when you are in public, then honor their desires. A few drops of sweat or discomfort are not compared to causing a brother or sister in our Lord Jesus to stumble. Do not let the hot summer months lower your standards of modesty for personal comfort.
Also, my mom reminds me to be considerate of those who have different dress standards through my own clothing choices when I am with them. I also try to be careful about what I wear around younger girls, for I do not want to cause them to become discontent with their own standards. I know from experience that I look up to older girls and though I may not be consciously aware of it, I look at what they wear and how they act, seeking a godly example. I am so encouraged if they have a spirit and appearance of modesty (both in clothing and attitude); on the other hand, I can become dissatisfied with my own appearance if this is not the case. Friends, seek to glorify the Lord Jesus in your clothing choices, not personal comfort or conformity to the world's trends. We might be free to wear something, but if it causes another believer to take their eyes from Jesus, what profit is it? If you stand on principles and standards of modesty as a light for Jesus, others will be refreshed and challenged!
ROYAL DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Is there anything you would like to share in closing?
SARAH: I would challenge you to press on toward the mark for the prize of our Lord Jesus! He is worthy! Serve Him with every breath He has given you, because He gave His life blood for your lost soul—so that now you enjoy the hope of eternal life and glorification with Him (Romans 8). May His glory be your highest desire and goal for your life. This is my prayer for you, dear sister Christ, that you might grow in personal sanctification:
“And this I pray,
that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;
That ye may approve things that are excellent;
that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;
Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ,
unto the glory and praise of God.”
(Philippians 1:9-11)
—Sarah Lee Bryant
3 Words of Grace:
This was so inspiring, girls!! Thank you so much!! I'll be back to read it again tomorrow! :)
Thank you,Sarah,for your refreshing words! I was blessed!
Thank you,Johanna and Bethany,for posting this!
I always love reading stuff written by one of my dearest friends/adopted sisters! :) Very nicely done, Sarie! ;)
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