Monday, December 10, 2012

December Book Reviews :: The Kingdom Series by Chuck Black

For this month's book review post, I thought I'd share with you all about a unqiue series I've recently had the pleasure of reading. It is called The Kingdom Series and was written by Chuck Black who is a man who, like our family, has six children. The series was written to help his children understand and be more excited about God's Holy Word, and is basically a big allegory of the Bible set in midievil times!  The series, though labeled under teen fiction, is wonderful for any age or gender and is quite exciting! A nice thing about this series is that each book has discussion questions and answers to help you understand better the Biblical allegory.
 I hope that my reviews of the six books in the series can be helpful to you, and hopefully will encourage you to read this series if you've not already! If you do, I am sure you will be blessed and inspired by it! If you have read this series and would like to share your thoughts on the books, then please feel free to leave a comment and share! Happy reading! ~Bethany
The Kingdom Series
~ By Chuck Black ~
The Story Behind The Series ::
“When my six kids’ eyes glossed over during a reading from the Bible, I paused to explain the significance of redemption to a sin-sick soul. I was rewarded with patronizing elephant nods and more blank stares. Shortly thereafter, I awoke in the middle of the night with a medieval story enveloping my mind. I wrote it down and later read it to my children. Their waning attention transformed into complete anticipation. I was amazed and disappointed. Why did it take a fictional story, not a Bible passage, to get that response? Then I realized—that is how Jesus taught! Parables are powerful! I penned the Kingdom series to help young people get excited about the supremely significant story of Jesus Christ and His mission to save mankind.”

— Chuck Black

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Pinned Image {Written By Miss Bethany}

Isn't it funny how easy it is to compromise, yet how hard it is to  stop once you get started? Often it starts with something small, a commitment or standard that gets neglected. "Oh, but it's just this once" you think, then proceed to do what you know you probably shouldn't, but you think it's so small it won't ever hurt you. But then "Just this once" turns into the norm, and before you realize it, you've compromised bit by bit to where finally it's snowballed into something larger than you first anticipated, and it harder than ever to stop.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Celebrate Autumn :: Crafty Thanksgiving/Fall Ideas

Fall is most definitely one of the most funnest times to craft and decorate the house. So today, I'd like to share some super neat ideas for crafts, and things you can make to decorate your home for this wonderful season. I've found them all on Pinterest, and think that they are super cute and would add a nice touch to any home, and tnhey look like such fun to create! Have fun crafting!
P.S. As always, please remember to use discretion when visiting links as I don't have the time t scan each website and links for content. Thanks and have fun!

Pinned Image

{Bunt Pumpkin Cake}

Monday, September 10, 2012

September Book Reviews

Almost AmishAlmost Amish
By Kathryn Cushman
{Review By Bethany}

Publisher :: Bethany house Publishers
Source :: Bethany House's Book Review Program
Publication Date :: 2012
ISBN :: 0764208268
Number of Pages :: 320
My Rating :: 5 out of 5 stars

Julie Charlton is at the breaking point. She's overwhelmed and burned out, and in today's unrelenting society, her kids are, too. When her sister-in-law Susan, a Martha Stewart-in-training, lands the chance to participate in a reality TV series promoting simple living, and needs another family to join her, it seems like the perfect opportunity.

The location is an idyllic farm outside an Amish community in Tennessee. Julie, with her two children, joins Susan and her teenage daughter for a summer adventure. Susan needs to succeed in order to become self-sufficient after an ugly divorce, Julie needs to slow down long enough to remember what her priorities are and regain a sense of purpose and meaning. It becomes clear from the start that "living simple" is no simple matter. With the camera watching every move, Susan's drive for perfection feels a lot like what they left behind, while Julie suddenly finds herself needing to stand up for slowing down. With each new challenge, their season of "going Amish" gets more and more complicated, as each woman learns unexpected lessons about herself and her family. {Description from}

I was very excited to be able to read this book as I'd been wanting to for a while. Although it's the first book I've read by Kathryn Cushman, it probably won't be the last! When I got this book in the mail from Bethany House to review, I could tell by the first chapter that I'd love it...and I did! I loved how inspirational it was and how it makes you think, while at the same time providing an entertaining read with a mix of both contemporary and Amish fiction.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

To Read...or Not To Read

Adventure awaits.{Written By Miss Bethany Ann}
Here I am again. In the same place I was several weeks ago. I am sitting on my bed with the excitement of a new library book in my hands. I have heard about this book from various friends and was thrilled to find the library has it for rent. I eagerly checked it out and bring it home and now open it's pages to begin reading. As excitement rushes over me, I begin to read. But I quickly come to a portion of the book I find questionable. I wonder if I should continue with the story. I hope it doesn't get worse and that I can avoid the obvious. I try to realize were my standards go and if this particular situation goes over that line. I get so into the book I feel like I have to find out what happens in the end, and that if I had to stop just because of one..or honestly speaking, several...{little} issues, that I will be haunted forever with the fact of never finishing the book. I sit there, eyes on the book cover and wonder "To read...or not to read?" A simple question it is really, but the complication overwhelms me and I struggle to make a choice. Will I finish it...or will I put it down and return it to the library unfinished. As my soul fights the spiritual battle, my mind wrestles with the path before me. I must choose which fork to go down. To finish it or not.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August Book Reviews

In this month's book review post, I've got the rest of the Anne of Green Gables Series reviews for you! To read the previous book reviews on this series click HERE! Also, would you like to receive updates on book's I've read and my reviews sooner then once every month? If so then follow me on were I've just set up an account! By following me you can read my books reviews that I'd normally only post here monthly sooner and you can also see what I've been reading as of that day. You can visit my page by clicking HERE! Enjoy the book reviews! ~Bethany

Anne of Green Gables Novels #5: Anne's House of Dreams
Anne's House of Dreams 
{Book # 5}
By L. M. Montgomery
{Review By Bethany}
To read the previous books in the Anne of Green Gables series reviews click HERE!
Publisher :: Random House, Inc.
Source :: Purchased at a garage sale :)
Publication Date :: 1983
My Rating :: 5 out of 5 stars
Age Recommendation :: For girls 8+

Anne's own true love, Gilbert Blythe, is finally a doctor, and in the sunshine of the old orchard, among their dearest friends, they are about to speak their vows. Soon the happy couple will be bound for a new life together and their own dream house, on the misty purple shores of Four Winds Harbor. A new life means fresh problems to solve, fresh surprises. Anne and Gilbert will make new friends and meet their neighbors: Captain Jim, the lighthouse attendant, with his sad stories of the sea; Miss Cornelia Bryant, the lady who speaks from the heart--and speaks her mind; and the tragically beautiful Leslie Moore, into whose dark life Anne shines a brilliant light. {Description from}

I have really enjoyed this book. I'm debating whether it's my favorite of the series, I can't decided since they are all equally good, but I can say it's one of my favorites! This book is not only the half-way done mark through the series, but it's also the first book were Anne is a married girl so I felt as if I was reading the second part of Anne's complete story. I loved how "homey" this book was. Anne was dearly enjoying married life and loved living in her little "house of dreams" and I just loved all the events that took place. She made new friends, re-connected with old ones, had both joys and sorrows, births and deaths, and more during her stay in the home. There was also a portion of the story that had me guessing what would happen next and it ended up turning different than I'd have ever thought making for a very exciting read! I'd highly recommend this book, as well as the whole series to all young ladies!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Craft Projects :: This 'N That

For this month's craft projects post, I though I'd share a few this 'n that projects. I had a bunch of cute craft projects I wanted to share, but they weren't in any certain category so I decided to share some various craft projects. ;) I hope that you enjoy looking through them and if you decided to try any of them out for yourself, let us know! Have a lovely weekend!

{Simple Friendship Bracelets}

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Interview :: Miss Olivia H.

{For this month's interview we have the pleasure of  interviewing Miss Olivia H. of Fresh Modesty and Working With Eager Hands. Both of us girls enjoy reading Olivia's blogs and hope that you will enjoy this interview focusing on modesty. ~Bethany & Johanna}

REFLECTIONS OF GRACE :: Can you introduce yourself to us and tell us a bit about your family and surroundings?

MISS OLIVIA :: Hey! I’m Olivia of Fresh Modesty- the blog and the website. I’m 19 and am the oldest of 6# siblings. My family moved to 62 acres in the country from the suburbs 2.5 years ago and I've enjoyed becoming a whole different person as I've adapted! We have some cows, chickens, and pigs, but I don’t do much with those. In my “spare” time I sew (you can see my projects on my sewing blog), write eBooks, and Google everything. 

REFLECTIONS OF GRACE :: When did you accept Christ as your personal Savior?

MISS OLIVIA :: Well, I've grown up in a Christian home, so that’s kind of hard to say. My faith tends to grow in little mini “episodes” in which my surroundings, circumstances, conversations, sermons, anything really, point me towards Him and show me a little more of His goodness towards me, and my undeservedness of it. The Lord uses ordinary things in drawing me to Himself, and I’m thankful. :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Recipes // Oreo Love

Who doesn't like Oreo's? I mean, really? With the combination of chocolate yumminess with creamy delight, this dessert is sure to be a true treat! Today I'm going to be sharing some yummy Oreo recipes that I've found off Pinterest. I didn't realize how many Oreo recipes I had on my Pinterest account, but as I was looking through my recipe board, looking for recipes to share today, I realized how many Oreo recipes I had pinned so I decided to share them with you today! Enjoy! {If you'd like to re-pin these recipes to your own Pinterest pin board you can find them HERE along with my other recipes in my recipe board}!


Monday, July 16, 2012

July Movie Review | The Amazing Spiderman

The Amazing Spiderman
{In-depth review by Johanna}

Rating :: PG-13
Directed By :: Marc Webb
Genre :: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi
In Theaters :: July 3, 2012

{The Storyline} 
-- no spoilers included -- 
    The Amazing Spiderman is the story of Peter Parker, a teenager who is both a high-school outcast and was, for mysterious and unknown reasons, abandoned by his parents when he was just a little boy. While living with his Aunt and Uncle, Peter does his best to not only fit in, but more importantly find out who he truly is and who is parents were.
    Upon finding a seemingly forgotten brief-case containing old files from his missing dad he suddenly finds a key that just might help him unravel the mystery. Peter soon finds himself in the Oscorp science lab where he not only meets Dr. Curt Connors -- a former partner of his dad's -- but also encounters a strange science exhibit.
    Upon sneaking into an off-limits room at the lab, Peter beholds many delicate webs being woven by hundreds of spiders. With one touch, his life changes in an instant, as a spider bites him. By the time he reaches home from the lab, he realizes that something has drastically changed -- but what is it? Within no time at all, he realizes that he has just done what Dr. Curt Connors has been trying to do for his entire life -- find a way to cross the genetics of both humans and animals, in order to embody humans with more abilities. Peter not only finds that he now is as flexible and quick as a spider, but also that he has the ability to weave webs.
    And oh, what a tangled web the plot begins to weave.
    The story takes off as Peter begins to realize what good he can do with his super-powers, and tries to help in catching common criminals. However, it would seem that Peter is destined to face far worse when he is suddenly thrust in the face of danger, and collides with a greater foe than any he had dealt with before. He finds himself forced into making life-changing choices as he seeks to save the world from the very thing which he helped create.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

True Love Never Fails

{Written By Miss Bethany}

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

What is love? Is it a mere four letters arranged to make a word to express feelings or is it more than that? Is it found in the shape of a heart, all red and glowing, or does it come by another shape of another kind? Is it a feeling you receive when you find that special someone or is it the feeling you release once you've found that person? What is the ultimate love? Were does it come from? While many believe that love is a fluffy feeling or starkly symbol, I find true love to go farther than that.

Love is so much more than just a 4-letter word or a feeling we get. We see in 1 Corinthians 13 what True Love is, how it acts, how you can tell it apart from the others. Some may argue that love is a feeling or a shape, but when you ask me what I believe love to be I will tell you simply what love is: JESUS! So, put simply, love=Jesus.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July Book Reviews

The Anne of Green Gables Series
Anne of Green Gables Series 8-Volume Boxed SetBy L. M. Montgomery
{Review by Bethany Ann}

In this month's book review and probably upcoming review posts, I will be reviewing The Anne of Green Gables Series which I've recently had the delight and pleasure of reading. Due to the large quanity of books in the series {There are 8 in all :)} I probably won't be able to review them all in one month since I more than likely won't be able to read them all in such a short time frame. :) So be looking for the continuing review in the upcoming review posts! :)
I had been wanting to read this delightful series for some time, and since we owned them all I thought I should take the time this summer to start them! Since there are so many books in the series, I won't be able to go as in-depth as far as my reviews go as I normally do, however if you have any questions that weren't answered in the review please let me know! I hope you'll enjoy the reviews!

Anne of Green Gables Novels #1: Anne of Green GablesAnne of Green Gables {Book #1}

Publisher :: Random House, Inc.
 Source :: Purchased at a garage sale
Publication Date :: 1986
 My Rating :: 5 out of 5 stars
Age Recommendation :: For girls 8+

Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert have decided to adopt an orphan. They want a nice sturdy boy to help Matthew with the farm chores. The orphanage sends a girl instead - a mischievous, talkative redhead who the Cuthberts are sure will be no use at all. But as soon as Anne arrives at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she knows she wants to stay forever. And the longer Anne stays, the harder it is for anyone to imagine Green Gables without her. {Description Taken From}

This is the first book in the Anne Series. It all starts with Anne, and orphaned girl who comes to live with the Cuthberts. This book is about her first years at "Green Gables" and her adventures with friends and family. I was simply charmed from the first page and instantly fell in love with Anne. I'd previously read this book a couple years ago but never finished the series. From that first impression years ago, I first though that the book would be overly wordy with so many descriptive words, that I'd get bored with the story. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Craft Tutorials | Pinterest Finds

Summer is a wonderful time to replace the textbooks back to the shelf, and once again pull out your beloved crafting supplies. Especially with a cup of icy lemonade and a plate of fresh strawberries. *smile* Recently, I have found many creative ideas on which I would love to try someday. Today, I'll just share a few ...

happy crafting,
>> miss Johanna

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Giveaway Winners + Inspirational Music Videos

Greetings ladies! Today is the day you all have probably been waiting for-the day we announce our giveaway winners! Before sharing the winners names we would like to thank our lovely sponsors once again and thank you for being such a wonderful bunch of followers! We are so glad for those of you who took the challenge to pray! Together, with all the total entries for all the giveaways we prayed together over 26 hours! We hope and pray that this challenge has blessed you! So now, on to our winners! :)

Winner of the lolli-pop earrings sponsored by Emarie Creations:
Rachel F!!!

Winner of the flexi-clip sponsored by Gail of Lilla Rose

Thursday, June 28, 2012

We Are Made Worthy

As the month of June slipped by into the vast sea of my past, I thought of what I would write for our readers today. Each and every day, I spent a portion of time thinking on what would be most inspiring to share with others, yet felt completely uninspired myself as to what. I seemed unable to frame a life lesson, while at the same time, I knew that I was learning a myriad each and everyday. 

When I look back at the time I have spent in ministering here on this site, I realize something. I can see through each and every facet of my ministering to others that I have eagerly focused on the topics which I succeed at. It is so easy to minister to someone in an area that you are nearly perfect at yourself. But, what about when others need strengthening in areas that I myself need to perfect. What then? I find that my tendancy is to either hide in a dark corner, and pretend I am not there, or turn the subject to something I am comfortable with.

You see, I felt unworthy. How could I possibly hold someone accountable to Bible memorization, when I myself was so weak in this area? Why should I try to minister to others on the issue of sibling relationships, when I stumble often in this very facet of life? Do I have the right to encourage others to spend time in the word daily, when I more than occasionally miss my devotions? How can I encourage those who are suffering a loss, when I myself have never been tested so deeply? Should I be telling others how to live as a godly woman should, when I myself fail so many times to uphold these standards? For so long, these questions prevailed in stopping me from sharing the truth. I can see now that it was a tactic used by the devil. A deadly one.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Women & Children First {A Guest Post By Elizabeth}

{Here is the last of our lovely guest posts! A special thank to Miss Elizabeth of Joyful Jewels 4 Jesus Blog for allowing us to re-post this wonderful essay on the Titanic which she entered in the Vision Forum 2012 Essay Contest. Feel free to view the original post by click HERE! We pray that you have been blessed by these guest posts here on Reflections of Grace and that they have been of inspiration to you. Please let us know if you'd be interested in seeing more guest posts in the future!}

Her eyes surveyed the icy waters as her hand tightly grasped the rail. Wasn’t it just last night when she was waltzing with her brother, James, on the deck of the remarkable Titanic? All seemed perfect then. And now! It was as if Katherine had awakened to discover a nightmare unfolding before her eyes. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her brother’s strong voice calling her name.

         “I’m here, James!” Katherine called back loudly amidst the frantic passengers.
         “Coming, Katie!” James replied, using his special name for his sister.
         James appeared on the deck, life jackets in hand. Katherine winced at the sight of them, hoping the situation wasn’t quite that serious. As if reading her thoughts, James nodded strongly and helped her into a jacket.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chivalry Is Not Dead {A Guest Post By Raquel}

{Hello Ladies! Today we have another encouraging guest post for you all! A special thanks to Miss Raquel who allowed us to re-post this article that she has previously written on her blog, here today. This article was originally published on Raquel's blog God's Daughter which you can visit by clicking HERE!}
The other day, a gentleman friend of mine paid me one of the greatest compliments I have ever received.

He said: ‘You deserve recognition [as a lady].  You make me want to be a better gentleman.’
Now right there, were two sides to the story…and both of them were amazing.

To me – I felt like I had accomplished something, in being able to encourage my guy friend to hfeel the need to be a better gentleman.
For him – he felt that his act of chivalry wouldn’t go unnoticed by me because I actually care that men act like gentlemen.
My friend also went on to say how he had read one of my statuses on Facebook, which I had originally gotten from Pinterest:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mistakes Are Like Balloons...Just Let Them Go

{Written By Bethany}
BaloonsOne time in our Bible study our teacher handed around a bunch of paper slips. She told us to write down things that we weren't content with, things that brought us down and burdened us. She was specifically talking about imperfections we struggle with in our appearance, things we wish could be changed, such as our hair type, weight, body, etc. However I realize this also applies to struggles we may have, difficulties or mistakes we make. Really anything that weighs us down and shields our eyes from delighting in the Lord's presence. Anything that blinds us from the joy that we should have in the Lord when we are lifting everything to Him. They joy of a burden-free lifestyle She told us to write these things down. I thought a bit before carefully writing mine down on that white piece of paper. Then when everyone was finished we folded the papers and taped them to the ribbon on a helium balloon. Then we said a prayer, giving our struggles and worries to the Lord, thanking Him for how He made us, and we then released that balloon to heaven. As the balloon slowly drifted out of sight I felt relief wash over my like a tidal wave. I felt like I could breath again. My burdens were gone, I no longer had to carry them.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Book Reviews

Who Calls Me Beautiful?

By Regina Franklin
{Review by Bethany}

Publisher :: Discovery House Publishers

Number of Pages :: 142
Source :: Library
Publication Date :: 2004
My Rating :: 5 out of 5 stars
Age Recommendation :: For girls 15+

"Physical perfection is an illusion. Yet "'women long to achieve it, no matter how unattainable it is'", says author Regina Franklin. Even Christian women are being seduced by the worldly definition of beauty. But failure to distinguish between reality and illusion is costing women their true identity and even their lives. 

In Who Calls Me Beautiful? Franklin skillfully chips away at the belief that a woman's body is more important than her character. Patiently pointing to Scripture, she convincingly shows that true beauty starts inside and radiates outward. It is this proper biblical understanding of God's design for women that empowers them to move beyond the cultural standards and the worlds "ideal woman." 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boring Testimonies? {Guest Post By Sarah}

{To celebrate Reflection's of Grace's one year anniversary we have a few guest post's set up which you will find throughout this month. We pray that these posts would be a blessing to you! A special thanks to Sarah who allowed us to re-post this article here today. This article was originally published on Sarah's blog Reaching For His Highest which you can visit by clicking HERE!}

One of the things I love about Tim Hawkins is his ability to make his audience roar with laughter, yet still convey a good message. True, I don’t care for the feminine interpretations or crass remarks, but Tim frequently manages to leave me not just with aching sides, but with a serious truth to mull over. One such truth is found in his monologue about testimonies. Tim takes the microphone in his hands, lowers and shakes his head, and sighs,

 “I don’t know, sometimes I like, wish I had a better testimony. Do you ever do that? Wish you had a better testimony? You’re sitting in church and you listen to a guy on stage and you’re like, ‘Man, he’s got an awesome testimony. I have a horrible one… I wish I had been addicted to crack!”

 Funny. Ridiculous. But true. So often I feel many Christians have this comical, yet ludicrous attitude. I find it especially true in the homeschooling community. Most of us have been raised in a Christian home our entire lives. Since we were brought up in this protected environment and soaked in the Bible from an early age, very few of us can remember a specific date or time when we gave our hearts to Christ. Or if we do remember, our testimony is something along the lines of, “I was in Sunday school and the teacher was speaking on the cross for the hundredth time, but this time I was so overwhelmed with the realization of how much Christ truly loved me. So I prayed with the teacher.” Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but when it is compared to a testimony of deliverance from addictions, sexual relationships, or even death, we feel our “Jesus-loves-me” narrative is simple and, well… boring.

 This past week I read “Redeemed and Restored”, a collection of testimonies from the wives of well-known Calvary Chapel pastors. Each story was incredible. To hear how God had restored the lives of so many women was such a joy and inspiration. But when I reached the end of the book and found empty pages designed for me to write my own testimony in, I (like Tim Hawkins), lowered and shook my head, and sighed.
“I was never into drugs, I didn’t abort a baby or give it up for adoption, and I haven’t committed adultery or gotten a divorce. I’m not even married yet! So why put my simple story in?”
 But then it hit me right between the eyes. How silly I am! To think that God’s work of salvation in my life is any less incredible that anyone else’s! My story is just as amazing. Not because God delivered me out of those sins, but because He kept me from falling into them to begin with!
Think about it. He has protected and cared for me my entire life. I was born into a Christian home, to Christian parents. My dad is even a pastor! For as long as I can remember, my parents have poured the word of God into me. They homeschooled me, saving me from the heavy peer-pressure and exposure to sin I was not prepared to face.
Not only did God protect me as a child, but he has continued to do so throughout my teen years. Think about it again. I am eighteen years old. I have never used drugs, never smoked, never had one sip of alcohol, and have never had sex. I’ve never even been kissed or had a boyfriend! And not because no one would have me, but because of God’s grace.

 Sadly, to be eighteen and never done those things is an extreme rarity in our culture. But I am not pointing this out to show you what a great young woman I am, rather, to prove to you that the fact that I am still a virgin, the fact that I have never tasted alcohol, smoked, or done drugs is the most incredible testimony to God’s goodness and mercy!

 If you’re a Christian and a homeschooler, you probably have never done these things either. But don’t allow that to make you feel as though your testimony is any less than others. Each and every Christian has a story, and each and every one is incredible for different reasons. So regardless of our tale, let us all be overwhelmed with gratefulness that the God of the universe sent His Son to die on a cross so that we might be saved!

{Photos via Pintrest}

Monday, June 4, 2012

Craft Tutorials // Crocheted Loveliness

Both my sisters and I love to crochet. We always enjoy hovering around the radio and listening the Adventures in Odyssey while we stitch away at our recent project. Though I'm still in the early stages as far as knowledge goes, my sister Ashley dearly loves to crochet and has taught herself all the stitches and have made various wonderful projects. From dolls to bags to pincushions and more, she has made it all! Today we'd like to share some video tutorials that we found online! Enjoy! ~Bethany

As always please use discretion when visiting these links or viewing these videos. Thanks!

Friday, June 1, 2012

One Year Anniversary // Huge Giveaway Celebration // Prayer Challenge

Today marks Reflections of Grace one year anniversary! It is truly hard to believe that one year ago we started this blog! In some ways it feels as if we have been posting on Reflections of Grace for the longest time, but in some ways we feel as if we have just begun this journey of blogging! Today we are here to celebrate Reflections of Grace one year "birthday" with several giveaways for you! :) We are so thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness and goodness to us through this adventure of blogging and pray that it has been a blessing to you, and has made a positive inpact in your life! Our main goal in writing this blog is that the Lord would be glorified in our writings and that it would encourage and strengthen you as you grow closer to the Lord!

So today we are here to celebrate, and as such we thought it would be very fun to host a big giveaway with several prizes for you to say "thank you!" for being such wonderful, sweet, encouraging, readers and followers of this blog! Before we show you what will be giving away we would like to give a big "thank you!!!!" to all our sponsors: Samantha of Emarie Creations, Gail of Lilla Rose, Karly of Little Goat Natural Soaps, Priscilla of Blossom and Twig, Amanda of Fairy Bubbles, Leigh of Barberry & Lace, Lindsay of Made By Lin Lin, Brittany of Brittany Chavers and Olivia of Fresh Modesty! We are so thankful to the Lord for your generosity in helping us celebrate our one year anniversary! May the Lord's blessing be upon you for your kindness!

Please remember to read through the whole post before entering the giveaways since we are taking entries a bit differently than we have previously done. At the end of this post you will find instructions on how you can enter to win these lovely prizes! So now without further adieu, we would like to introduce our sponsors and their lovely shops to you!

Prize Number 1 
Sponsored By Emarie Creations

"Hi! My name is Samantha and I am the owner of Emariecreations, a small home-based Etsy shop that offers cute, colorful and affordable accessories for ladies of all ages.
I've been crafting my whole life and started my shop in late 2009 as a way to sell my creations and make a little money. I'm really enjoying the 'adventure' of having a home business and have fun coming up with fresh, new ideas for my shop.
I specialize in polymer clay items mostly, with a few resin jewelry pieces as well. I try to have lots of colorful items in stock made from both mediums.
Hope you enjoy taking a looking around my shop!"

Emarie Creations will be giving away a pair of their polymer clay, handcrafted lollipop post earrings! Emarie Creations has several pairs, all in different colors, available so the winner will get to choose the pair she would like. Click HERE to see all 5 lollipop color choices! Samantha is willing to ship worldwide, so this prize is open to all ladies, no matter were you live! Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!

Polymer Clay Lollipop Earrings

Prize Number 2 
Sponsored By Lilla Rose 
Lilla Rose Hair Clips, Barrettes, Hair Sticks, Hair Bands, Bobby Pins, Buy Wear and Sell.
{If you do not see Gail's website when visiting this link, then look to your top left corner of the screen and click on the link that says "Looking for Gail's Site?"}

"Gail is a stay-at-home mom with 5 children and has been married to her husband for almost 8 years! She blogs over at The Imperfect Housewife about what life is like having children, 5 years old and under and, more importantly, her walk with Christ. Gail has been an Independent Consultant for Lilla Rose since December of 2011 and feels blessed to have the flexibility to continue to stay home with her children while sharing a product that she loves.

She was introduced to Lilla Rose by winning a giveaway and receiving one of their hairbands. Gail loved it so much that she decided to 'take the plunge' and become an Independent Consultant. Since then, she has learned quite a bit about the company and the famous Flexi-clip. The Flexi is unique in that it is a patented, one-piece hair clip. It comes in 7 different sizes to suite all hair types and lengths. They are beautiful and elegant and add that little something to your hair style. The Lilla Rose product line centers around unique, functional, and well made hair jewelry. From the flagship Flexi Hair Clip, they have expanded to Hair Sticks, Orings, Hairbands, and Bobby Pins."

Lilla Rose Consultant, Gail will be giving away a Flexi-clip in the winners choice, up to $16 value! There are so many to choose from, click HERE then click "Go Shopping" for the options! Gail will be willing to ship internationally so this giveaway is open to all young ladies no matter were you live! Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!

{For those interested in learning more about Lilla Rose and the flexi-clip, feel free to check out Bethany's product review HERE!}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prize Number 3
Sponsored By Little Goat Natural Soaps

"Welcome to Little Goat's Natural Soaps! I'm Karly. :) I am wife to a music professor and mommy to a newly 3 yr old little boy. We ventured into this business to provide non-toxic, gentle soap for babies and adults alike.

When our son was about 7 months old, we thought he had baby eczema. Turns out he was reacting to all the horrible chemicals that were in his baby soaps & lotions! I did more research and was appalled by the complete lack of regulation of Health & Beauty products in the USA. Most of the chemicals going into your everyday perfumes, lotions, body washes, BABY products, sunscreens, (fill in the blank) have not been tested. A lot of the things on the shelves in this country have things in them that are banned in Europe, Japan & other modern countries. 

Scary, I know. That's where we come in... We are here to prove healthy & safe doesn't mean "boring"! It only takes 26 seconds for a toxin you smear on your skin to be detectable in your internal organs. Be informed. Shop smart. Don't settle for less! I hope you love our products! ~Karly"

Today Karly of Little Goat Natural Soaps will be giving away one bar of her natural luffa soap in the winners choice of fragrance! There are so many fragrance choices, so click HERE to view them! Karly will only be able to ship to U.S. residences so this giveaway is only open to ladies living inside the U.S. Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!

Prize Number 4
Sponsored By Blossom and Twig

"I've saved many pieces of paper from my past: handwritten notes and letters, recipes, invitations, and yes... even a gift tag from my mother with a special Christmas message to me. I realized what a sweet reminder of good memories they are and fell in love with the idea of creating paper goods that people can use to express their love, gratitude and good wishes to one another - things that can be kept to remember people you love and good times you've had.

A bit about me... I am married and have 3 children: Lydia, Martha and Gabriel. I live in a small town with fields on either side of my house and lots of woods around me. I love the quiet solitude and peacefulness of the woods, but the train track that runs through my front yard interrupts that daily, lol, ... and then it gets pretty quiet again : )

I've been a quilter for over 20 years and rarely have ever met an antique quilt or sampler that I didn't like. I've been in my local quilt guild for almost that long... have held many jobs in the guild and one of my latest is being "The Sunshine Lady" which means that I send cards out to the membership for birthdays, get well, etc. I was having trouble keeping cards on hand for that and started to make them myself - and I fell in love with paper! Almost as much as I love fabric."

Priscilla of Blossom & Twig will be giving away their lovely french butterflies bookmark! Priscilla is willing to ship internationally so all ladies can enter for this lovey prize! Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!

Prize Number 5
Sponsored By Fairy Bubbles

{Etsy Shop}

"My love of crafting soaps began years ago. It started as a weekend project done with my daughter and progressed to selling locally, and now I am proud to bring Fairy Bubbles to the world wide web. All of my products are hypoallergenic and gentle on skin. I use body safe colorants only, and only the best quality herbs, butters, salts, clays, milk powders, teas, essential oils, and fragrance oils we can find.  I love working with essential oils! You will see a good number of our soaps are made with essential oils." 

Amanda of Fairy Bubbles will be so generously giving away a 4 oz. jar of lime and coconut scented whipped soap! View details by visiting the listing HERE! Amanda is willing to ship internationally so anyone may enter for this prize! Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!

Prize Number 6
Sponsored By Barberry & Lace

{Etsy Shop}

"Founded in 2010 by Leigh Benner, Barberry & Lace has grown in leaps and bounds in the short amount of time it's been open. Leigh currently works from her home where she lives with her two cats, Molly and Bert, and her Samoyed/American Eskimo mix, Sadie.

Leigh has always has grandiose ideas of owning a business and when she discovered jewelry, she was in love. She loves drawing inspiration from the colors in nature as well as her love of all things vintage... and miniature. Leigh enjoys piecing together new items and adding defining features to new ideas as well as finding and developing small charms that warm her heart. It truly is a wonderful and rewarding fit."

Leigh of Barberry & Lace will be giving away $15 shop credit to their shop! Here are one of my favorite items from their shop! Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!
the pale pink sophie headband.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prize Number 7
Sponsored By Made By Lin Lin

{Etsy Shop}

"My name is Lindsay and I am the founder of MadeByLinLin. My studio is based out of Vancouver, British Coloumbia. I sell handmade, unique, quality, and affordable jewellery and accessories for all ages and styles. I opened MadeByLinLin on November 2010 and have never been happier designing and creating products for people around the world."

Lindsay will be sponsoring a lovely 18-inch rose necklace! The rose is 10mm and the winner will be able to choose her rose color! This prize is open to everyone as Lindsay is willing to ship internationally! Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!
One Rose Necklace - Your Choice of Color - 24 Rose Colors To Choose From

Below is a chart of available rose colors:

THREE PAIRS of Rose Stud Earrings - 24 Colors to Choose From -5 New Colors

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prize Number 8
Sponsored By Brittany Chavers

{Etsy Shop}

"My shop is geared towards vintage inspired, romantic jewelry. I love using flowers, LOTS of color, and unique items to bring happiness to my jewelry. I look at every necklace I create as a little piece of myself, and I hope their new owners love them as much as I do."

Brittany will be giving away this lovely coral dahlia ring. View the listing details HERE! This prize is only open to ladies living inside the U.S. Please remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!
Coral Dahlia Ring Buy 3 Get 1 Free

Coral Dahlia Ring Buy 3 Get 1 Free

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prize Number 9
Sponsored By Fresh Modesty

{Sewing Blog}
{Fashion Blog}

"Fresh Modesty: Creating Custom Swimwear is a 34-page tutorial with step-by-step directions for sewing an individual, well-fitting swimsuit for yourself, a friend, or a family member. I share how I draft a pattern from a series of measurements to make the various pieces of the suit as well as how to sew it all together. Countless modest style options are given including a maternity option, making it so fun to design a suit you adore.

Many people are scared to death at the thought of sewing their own swimsuit. I mean, after all, isn't Spandex a bear to work with? On the contrary! Spandex is surprisingly easy to work with. In some respects it's easier than cotton or other fabrics because if something doesn’t line up exactly, you can just stretch it! Don’t I need to be an expert seamstress in order to do this? No! In fact, I had only been sewing for a year and a half before I made my first bathing suit. If you’ve followed patterns and made slight modifications with success, you can sew a bathing suit.

Stuffed with detailed pictures and drawings, this eBook is perfect for the adventurous beginner. A veteran sewer won't be bored, either, because of the wide range of style choices given. This wide range also means that the suits created will be appropriate for all ladies, young and old. From your two year old to your grandmother, they are sure to flatter."

Today Olivia, the lady behind the e-book, will be giving away a copy of her e-book, Fresh Modesty which is a step by step guide to sew your own modest swimsuit! Below is a sample of the swimsuit you can make using this e-book! {To see more swimsuits that were made using this e-book click HERE!} The winner will receive their copy via email. Since there is no mailing required this prize is open to all ladies as long as you have an email address! To learn more about the swimsuit you can make click HEREPlease remember to read at the end of this post how to enter before entering!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


How You Can Enter:
I am sure that you ladies are itching to start entering to win these lovely prizes, right? ;) So here are some details on how to enter! Now, here is how it will work. You will enter for each prize on a separate giveaway form. You may have already noticed that each prize has a giveaway form for that certain prize under the prize image, so that is what this is for. 


When was the last time you prayed to the Lord? Was it truly a heart-felt, spirit lead prayer or one you just said since it's what you always do? Well today we could like to present you a little challenge! Instead of having the normal entry such as following our blog, leaving a comment, hearted the shop on etsy, etc we decided to make your one and only entry be to pray for 5 minutes, praying for a different thing for each 5 minutes/for each prize you'd like to enter. Depending on how many prizes you'd like to enter will determine how long you pray. We would like to encourage you to complete these prayer times when you aren't sitting here at the computer, since you want a true prayer and not one that's just being spit out in order for you to enter. So please try and pray during your devotion times or when it's a quiet time that's convenient for you. 

So here is how it will go. For each prize you'd like to enter you pray for 5 minutes for a certain thing which will be specified on the giveaway form. Make a note to yourself of which prizes you'd like to enter as well as what certain thing you will pray for 5 minutes about. Even if you don't enter all the prizes {for instance if you don't have pierced ears thus not entering the earring prize} we would still like to encourage you to pray anyways as this is what will be your eternal prize! You may break this up into several days time and enter as you go or you can pray all of them at one time, the main goal is just to get on your knees and share your heart with the Lord. Once you have prayed then you can come back and enter that prize! You will do this by signing in with either your email or with your Facebook account if you have one, then it will show the option to pray for 5 minutes. Once you have done it click "Enter" and you will be entered! If you have any questions concerning this them please let us know! Here is a list of the prayer/prize details:

Prize Number 1: Lolli-Pop earrings sponsored by Emarie Creations. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray a prayer of adoration and praise to the Lord for 5 minutes.
Open To: Everyone

Prize Number 2: Lilla Rose flexi hair clip sponsored by Gail of Lilla Rose. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for 5 minutes.
Open To: Everyone

Prize Number 3: A bar of soap sponsored by Little Goat Soaps. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray a prayer of confession for 5 minutes.
Open To: Those living in the U.S.

Prize Number 4: Butterfly bookmark sponsored by Blossom & Twig. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray for any needs or request you have for 5 minutes.
Open To: Everyone

Prize Number 5: Whipped soap sponsored by Fairy Bubbles. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray for authorities for 5 minutes.
Open To: Everyone

Prize Number 6: $15 Shop credit to Barberry & Lace. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray for persecuted Christians for 5 minutes.
Open To: Everyone

Prize Number 7: Rose necklace sponsored by Made By Lin Lin. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray for your family for 5 minutes.
Open To: Everyone

Prize Number 8: Coral ring sponsored by Brittany Chavers. 
Prayer Requirements: Pray for your future spouse for 5 minutes.
Open To: Those living in the U.S.

Prize Number 9: Fresh Modesty E-book, sponsored by Fresh Modesty.
Prayer Requirements: Pray for 5 minutes for a stronger relationship with Christ.
Open To: Everyone

Okay, now you may enter! All the giveaways will ends on June 29th, 2010. Have a blessed day and be sure and check back on June 30th when we will post the giveaway winners! If you have any questions about entering then please let us know! And also, please feel free to share with us if you have been blessed by this blog, down in the comments, since we love hearing how the Lord is working in your lives and using our writings. Lastly, we would like to thank all our sponsors again, for without you ladies there would be no giveaway! God bless!

Bethany & Johanna